FA4x8.2P PCR Strip Fixed-Angle, High-Impact Thermoplastic Rotor with Polyphenylsulfone Snap-On Lid

Product No:B30159

FA4x8.2P PCR Strip Fixed Angle Rotor, High-Impact Thermoplastic with Polyphenylsulfone Snap-On Lid; Major Applications: Minimizing post-PCR condensation and post-reaction clean-up. For use in the Microfuge 20 Series microcentrifuges.

€1,635.00 List Price - €1,635.00

Product Specifications

Platform Microfuge
Rotor Type Fixed-Angle (General Purpose)
Maximum RPM 15,000 rpm
Max g-Force 16,602.00
rMAX 66
rMIN 54
Materials Polypropylene
Package Quantity 4 x 8 tube strip (0.2 mL)

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