Erfahrungsberichte von Kunden

Biomek NGeniuS complete no cabinet

Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System

Das Feedback unserer Kunden ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Produktentwicklung. Während der Entwicklung von Biomek NGeniuS haben wir mehr als 300 Kundenkommentare gesammelt. Das Gerät spiegelt die Kundenbedürfnisse nach einer verbesserten Fehlerreduzierung bei geringerem Zeitaufwand und verbesserter Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Flexibilität wider. Wir bemühen uns um kontinuierliche Partnerschaften mit unseren Kunden, um unsere Produkte unter Druck zu testen, damit wir die hohen Standards unserer Kunden erfüllen.

"I can’t overstate how limiting most automated library preparation systems are for most users; when people get to use this instrument, they will never believe me how easy it is to set up and run." – Tony O’Grady, Chief Medical Scientist at Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.

"This instrument is a real milestone in small-scale NGS systems." – Per Hoffman, Laboratory Director at Life and Brain Center, Germany.

“Considering this was my first time to use the software, I found it very intuitive and easy to use. I was impressed with how little data and time input is required from the user to set up a run.” – Rob Cummins, Senior Medical Scientist at Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.

“Since this is the first time I have worked with the system I didn't have to do much poking around to figure out how everything worked, and I never felt ‘lost.’" – Laboratory Technician at a major children’s hospital.

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