DNA-Isolierung aus Blut

GenFind V3

Extraction and purification of genomic DNA (gDNA) from whole blood using Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) paramagnetic bead-based technology.

  • Consistently and optimal purity and quality of gDNA isolates
  • No carryover of inhibitors from anticoagulants, for exceptional PCR-based applications and NGS

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Explore Isolierung aus Blut Models

GenFind V3 Extraction Workflow

Genomics GenFind V3 Workflow


GenFind V3 isolates genomic DNA (gDNA) from whole blood and serum.


High Quality gDNA
The GenFind V3 DNA isolation method purifies gDNA that is intact and suitable for downstream PCR-based assays.


No Inhibition from Anticoagulants
GenFind V3 efficiently removes common anticoagulant and contaminants from blood such as citrate, EDTA, and heparin.

Product Specifications

Application Uses Genomic DNA extraction from whole blood
Format Liquid
Starting Sample Material Blood
Automated Available Yes
Item Specifications Referenced C34880

Content and Resources

Automated Demonstrated Methods for Biomek i-Series Workstations (PDF) Learn more about automated NGS Library Construction and Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation methods for Biomek i-Series workstations
Flyer: Genomic Solutions Collaboration Program (PDF) Through this program, you’ll have exclusive access to Beckman Coulter Life Sciences genomic technologies, data analysis tools and application scientists.
GenFind V3 DataSheet The method can be run manually in a 2 mL tube format or 96-well format, or automated in 96-well format on variety of Beckman Coulter Biomek liquid handling workstations
DNA extraction from fresh/frozen tissue using GenFind V3 This provides a solution that allows a user to use one kit to extract DNA from multiple sample types with small modifications in the workflow.
Extraction of DNA from Mucoid Bacteria using GenFind V3 This protocol reduces viscosity due to the presence of exopolysaccharides and decreases the amount of polysaccharide in the final eluate.

Technische Dokumente

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