RNA-Extraktion aus FFPE-Gewebe

Das Agencourt FormaPure-System bietet einen einfachen, automatisierungsfreundlichen Prozess zur Extraktion der Gesamt-Nukleinsäure aus FFPE-Gewebeproben (Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded). Durch Nutzung der paramagnetischen, bead-basierten Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI)-Technologie entfallen mit dem Agencourt FormaPure-System zusätzliche Schritte wie Vakuumfiltration, Zentrifugierung oder der Einsatz von organischen Lösungsmitteln wie Phenol oder Xylen zur Deparaffiniesierung. Wissenschaftler können den Prozess von der Deparaffinisierung bis zur Gesamtnukleinsäure-Extraktion von 96 Proben in einem Multi-Well-Format mit der Beckman Coulter Biomek NXP oder FXP Span-8-Workstation in ungefähr vier Stunden (ohne Einrichtung) durchführen.

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FormaPure XL RNA Visual Workflow

Genomics FormaPure XL RNA Workflow

Product Specifications: FormaPure XL RNA

Application Uses RNA Isolation, RNA Extraction, RNA Sequencing, Nucleic Acid Sample Prep
Format Liquid
Starting Sample Material FFPE (formalin fixed paraffin embedded) tissue.
Automated Available Yes
Item Specifications Referenced C36000

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Using FormaPure XL RNA Reagent to Put the Brakes on Prostate Cancer (PDF) Using cancer-specific molecular biomarkers, Dr. Palanisamy’s lab is currently working to understand the genetic complexity of multifocal prostate cancer and its intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity
Transcriptomic analysis reveals differential gene expression in African American prostate cancer samples (PDF) In this application note, we conducted a proof of principle study to identify transcriptomic signatures in the AA population using in-house PCa AA FFPE and fresh frozen samples.
Automated Demonstrated Methods for Biomek i-Series Workstations (PDF) Learn more about automated NGS Library Construction and Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation methods for Biomek i-Series workstations
Flyer: Genomic Solutions Collaboration Program (PDF) Through this program, you’ll have exclusive access to Beckman Coulter Life Sciences genomic technologies, data analysis tools and application scientists.
Manual or Automated RNA, DNA or Total Nucleic Acid Extraction from FFPE Tissues FormaPure XL reagent kits represent a single-chemistry system with demonstrated capability for use in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) as well as other downstream applications including qPCR. Maximizing integrity, yield and purity from an FFPE sample is required to minimize the risk of losing important genetic information

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