Extraktion aus Gewebe

Die Technik zur Gesamt-RNA-Extraktion, Agencourt RNAdvance Tissue, bietet Wissenschaftlern in Kombination mit Beckman Coulter Laborautomation eine tatsächlich selbstständige Lösung zur konsistenten Gewinnung hochwertiger RNA in einem Multi-Well-Format. Mittels der paramagnetischen, bead-basierten Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI)-Technologie  kann das Agencourt RNAdvance Tissue-System die Gesamt-RNA ohne die Gefahren und Entsorgungsprobleme organischer Lösungsmittel aus einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Gewebe gewinnen. Das Agencourt RNAdvance Tissue-System ermöglicht eine hohe Ausbeute an Gesamt-RNA aus weichem, fibrösem und lipidreichem Gewebe.

Explore Aus Gewebe Models

RNAdvance Tissue Workflow Steps

Genomics RNAdvance Tissue Workflow

Product Features

High Quality RNA
The RNAdvance Tissue isoloation kit purifies RNA with high RIN scores enhancing suitability for downstream applications.

Flexible and Scalable
Combining RNAdvance Tissue chemistry with our Biomek workstation offers a high throughput and minimal hand-on solution: 15 minutes hands-on; extract 96 samples in approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Product Specifications

Application Uses RNA Isolation, RNA Extraction, RNA Sequencing, Nucleic Acid Sample Prep
Format Liquid
Starting Sample Material Tissue
Automated Available Yes
Item Specifications Referenced A32646


Gill, C., Phelan, J. P., Hatzipetros, T., Kidd, J. D., Tassinari, V. R., Levine, B., . . . Vieira, F. G. (2019, April 30). SOD1-positive aggregate accumulation in the CNS predicts slower disease progression and increased longevity in a mutant SOD1 mouse model of ALS. Scientific Reports, 9(6724). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-43164-z

  • Used to extract RNA from mouse tail

Nakhuda, A., Josse, A. R., Gburcik, V., Crossland, H., Raymond, F., Metairon, S., . . . Timmons, J. A. (2016, August 2016). Biomarkers of browning of white adipose tissue and their regulation during exercise- and diet-induced weight loss. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 104(3), 557–565. doi:10.3945/ajcn.116.132563

  • Used to extract RNA from human muscle

Disclaimer: Beckman Coulter makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever express or implied, with respect to this protocol, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability or that the protocol is non-infringing. All warranties are expressly disclaimed. Your use of the method is solely at your own risk, without recourse to Beckman Coulter. Not intended or validated for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions. This protocol is for demonstration only, and is not validated by Beckman Coulter.

Content and Resources

FormaPure RNA: Extended Protocol for RNA Isolation from FFPE Sample This document provides instructions for using the FormaPure RNA extraction and purification kit.
FormaPure Total: Protocol for DNA and RNA Isolation from the Same FFPE Sample This document outlines the instructions for using the FormaPure Total extraction and purification kit.
FormaPure Total Quick Guide Checklist instructions for using the FormaPure Total extraction and purification kit.
Isolation and Separation of DNA and RNA from a Single Tissue or Cell Culture Sample We are currently developing a product using proprietary bead based technology that selectively binds DNA to the beads to effectively separate DNA and RNA independently. This allows for the extraction of all nucleic acids from one experimental setup
Automated TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation from FFPE tissue specimens utilizing the Biomek FXp Liquid Handler This application note describes automated RNA library construction using the Beckman Coulter Biomek FXP Liquid Handler from archival FFPE tissue specimens.

Technische Dokumente

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