Analytische Ultrazentrifugation (AUC) - Webinar Sammlung
Sie interessieren sich für Anwendungen rund um die Charakterisierung von dispergierten Makromolekülen und Nanopartikeln ?
Hier finden sie unsere aktuellsten Webinare zur Analytischen Ultrazentrifugation.
Ob Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung von AAV's, die allgemeine Viruscharakterisierung, Partikelgrößenanalyse oder die Strukturanalyse von Proteinen oder makromolekularen Komplexen. Für all diese Anwendungen finden sie hilfreiche Informationen in unseren englischsprachigen Webinaren.
Three Distinct Analytical Ultracentrifugation Methods for Virus and Viral Vector Characterizations
Prof. Susumu Uchiyama
Department of Biotechnology, Osaka University
July 2023
Sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (SV-AUC) is considered the gold standard method for the size distribution analysis of viral vectors for gene therapy, but you have other orthogonal AUC methods to choose from too, including band sedimentation AUC (BS-AUC) and density gradient equilibrium AUC (DGE-AUC). In this 33-minute, on-demand webinar, Prof. Dr. Susumu Uchiyama from Osaka University explains the principle of each method, provides examples of data analysis, and discusses the relationship of the results from the three methods.
The Complexities of SV Analytical Ultracentrifugation: AAVs are not Simple, Binary Systems
Lake Paul, PhD
BioAnalysis, LLC
September 2020
As SV-AUC becomes the go-to method for quantitation and characterization of AAV, caution must be taken during the experimental design and analysis. Dr. Paul presents approaches to correctly analyzing AAV systems, explains how to apply AUC in a cGMP environment and how to develop proper experimental design for AAV systems and extracting the correct information.
Measuring Molecular Interactions by Multi-Wavelength AUC
Borries Demeler, PhD
University of Lethbridge, Alberta
June 2020
In this webinar. Dr. Demeler covers situations commonly encountered in the characterization of biomolecular interactions using AUC and shares his experience performing multi-wavelength analysis with the Optima AUC.
Looking under the Hood and Getting Started with the Optima AUC
Akash Bhattacharya, PhD
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
October 2019
This webinar explores the operational aspects of AUC, including the technical advancements of the Optima AUC and the difference between absorbance and interference mode detection. It also covers designing a new experiment, transferring the data, and using simulation tools to model scans for a two-analyte system.
An Intro to Characterization of Biomolecules Using AUC
Akash Bhattacharya, PhD
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
June 2019
Dr. Bhattacharya covers the principles of AUC, the fundamentals of how to design and set up experiments, the different types of AUC experiments, and the basic principles behind AUC data analysis. In addition, he shares a few sample applications.
Analytical Methods to Measure Empty and Full AAV Particles
Christine Le Bec, PhD
June 2017
In this webinar, Dr. Le Bec discusses the proof of concept and qualification method of characterizing empty and full AAV particles with analytical ultracentrifugation.
Vi-CELL BLU Reagenzien
Alle Reagenzienanforderungen in einer praktischen Verpackung. Hier sehen Sie was drin steckt.
Probenmessung im Karussell
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Probe im 24-Positionen-Karussell mit nur 170 µl Probe im "Fast Mode" und 200 µl im "Normal Mode" messen können
Wechsel vom Karussell zur Mikrotiterplatte
Analysieren Sie Ihre Probe in einer 96-Well-Platte oder in einem Karussell mit 24 Positionen. Für den Wechsel benötigen Sie nur einen Klick.
Verbessern Sie die Berechnung des Konzentrationsoffsets Ihres Vi-CELL BLU mit den neuen Konzentrationskontrollen
Wechsel der Reagenzien
Die Reagenzienpakete sind einfach und ohne Probleme zu wechseln. Verabschieden Sie sich von Schraubverschlüssen mit Schläuchen und Farbstoffspritzern