Leverage the power of flow cytometry for the detection and characterization of cellular origin nanoparticles
Interest in nanoparticles and extracellular vesicles of cellular origin is exploding due to new insights into the role these particles play in extracellular communication processes and the potential for detecting pathological states via liquid biopsy.
Several fundamental capabilities of flow cytometry make this an attractive platform for extracellular vesicle research, such as the ability to detect large numbers of events and discriminate rare events while collecting information on surface composition.
Recent developments in laser and electronics design pushed the boundaries of reliably detecting events in the nanoparticle size range. The newest member of the CytoFLEX Platform, the CytoFLEX nano Flow Cytometer is the first benchtop instrument with acceptable noise-to-signal discrimination for the reliable detection of particles down to 80 nm.