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ESCCA 2016 presentation provides an overview of flow cytometry immunophenotyping and the use of ClearLab IVD antibody cocktails in diagnosing hematologic malignancies. Includes summary of a feasible two-step approach with a screening tube and related diagnostic results.
Be sure to do these important steps when preparing samples for accurate and repeatable particle counting results.
As we wrap up the series we invite you to join John, Alfonso and Gaenna one last time as they summarize the previous episodes and share some stories of their research challenges and successes
In session four the team is discussing the science of extracellular vesicle detection. In this episode our hosts and guest dive deeper into the detection and characterization side of EV research and propose some potentially innovative ideas for detection.
Michaela Bowden (CEMOP Associate Director, Dana Farber Cancer Institute) presents the utility of Biomek automation (library prep, etc.) and using biopsied/low RNA-input (FFPE) samples for clinically relevant results. Includes overview of the RNA-Seq workflow and Illumina's Script-Seq Complete, TruSeq Stranded mRNA kits.